Former remodeling franchisees share touching note with their friends at DreamMaker
Two parts of our Code of Values™ at DreamMaker are that we should count our blessings every day in every way, and that loyalty adds meaning to our lives. Both of those values express themselves fully in the relationships DreamMakers leadership team builds with franchisees and the relationships franchisees build among one another.
We work hard to foster those relationships, because we believe that camaraderie brings meaning and support into the lives of the owners of our remodeling franchises, and also that it helps them learn from one another — not just from those of us at DreamMaker’s headquarters in Waco.
Few franchisees have exemplified these values better than Deb and Mark Witte, who won the “Enhancing Lives. Improving Homes.” award at our last DreamMaker franchise reunion. The Wittes recently sold their DreamMaker franchise — fulfilling a goal they set for themselves when they first became DreamMaker franchisees. And they shared this note, reflecting on the friendships they built:

Dear Fellow Franchise Owners, Team Members, Corporate Staff and Friends,
It is with excitement and sadness that we announce the recent sale of our franchise.
Excitement for a couple of reasons: First, we were able to use the DreamMaker systems to build a business that became an asset we could sell, which was our main reason for purchasing the franchise in the first place. Second, we have a chance to explore what life has to offer us – a new adventure!
Sadness, because we will not be hanging out regularly with some of the greatest people on Earth. You all have been a tremendously positive group to be around, both professionally and personally. We have many fond memories of reunions, next level group meetings, awards dinners and the times just hanging out late at night in the hotel lobby.
We value your friendships tremendously. You will always hold a very special place in our hearts. In our opinion, this is not goodbye but a change in venue.
Each and every one of you are welcome in our town of Colorado Springs, and we would expect a call if you happen to be traveling this way. Also, do not be surprised if you hear from us if we are in your neighborhood.
All the best and blessings to one and all,
Mark and Deb Witte
A little about the Wittes
We count our blessings to work with franchisees like the Wittes, whose business smarts are matched by the generosity of their hearts toward their fellow franchisees, their employees and their community. We count our blessings that they have been able to successfully transition their business to a new owner, Michael Pinkerton, who will continue to grow the business and serve the employees and customers of DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Colorado Springs.

We not only believe that loyalty adds meaning to our lives, we know it. We look forward to seeing the Wittes in the future, and keeping our friendships strong.
Mark and Deb were with DreamMaker a little more than 10 years. In a good way, it seems like we’ve known each other much longer. They have, from Day 1, been great contributors and supporters in building the DreamMaker brand and its systems. Mark joined the Marketing and Promotions Committee in 2008 and was elected Vice Chair the following year. He then was elected Chair and served two years (2010-2012). Mark also led the Production Task Force, which was part of the catalyst to creating our Process Flow chart and creation of Master Checklists as part of our sales and production system.
As one of the lead beta testers for EMT2, our cloud-based software for managing the business, Mark continued to help lead the charge for better technology and systems.
Deb served on both the Marketing and Vendor Task Forces as well as the Online Marketing Task Force. The Wittes have been true team players.
Now, after 28 years in remodeling, 10 of them with DreamMaker, the Wittes are looking forward to whatever God has in store for them in the next chapter in their lives.
The Wittes wanted to leave their employees and customers in good hands and ensure the DreamMaker brand would continue to be strong in Colorado Springs. Mark and Deb said they would like to stop by a Reunion some day and say hello to franchisees and the Headquarters team.
We look forward to it.
Learn more about our remodeling franchise opportunity
For in-depth details about the DreamMaker remodeling franchise opportunity, download our free franchise report. You also can learn more by visiting our research pages.